• The Reality Behind Two Myths About Financial Planners

    3 December 2014

    Managing your finances can seem like a daunting task to undertake, but financial planners are professionals that can help you achieve your financial goals through sound planning and investments. However, many individuals will forego the benefits of working with a professional planner because they believe a couple of common misconceptions about working with these individuals. By exposing these myths, you may decide that hiring one of these professionals will be the best option for meeting your financial needs.

  • To Take Or Not To Take A Lump Sum Pension Payment

    21 November 2014

    As retirement gets closer, you may be thinking about how you want to handle your pension plan. While taking a lump sum payment to get all that cash at once may seem tempting, there are several factors to consider. Before making a final decision, it helps to weigh all your options since you can't change your mind later. Considering the Financial Implications If you take a lump sum payment when you retire, you give up receiving a guaranteed income each month.

  • Is Your Spouse Hiding Income During Your Divorce? Hire An Investigative Accountant To Find Out

    14 November 2014

    If you're going through a divorce and your husband is trying to lie about his income from self-employment, you may need to hire an investigative accountant to help you unveil the truth. It's not uncommon for spouses to lie about their income during a divorce, but it's not fair to the other person. If you are fairly certain that this is happening, here's how an investigative accountant can help you find the truth.

  • When Bronze Is Better Than Gold: High Deductible Insurance Plans Better For Young Families

    13 November 2014

    Choosing health insurance can be stressful for young families especially when the employer offers two or three different group health insurance plans. Many people look at the bottom line when choosing insurance, and if you are interested in the same, then you should choose a high deductible plan. Gold, Silver or Bronze We are not talking about the Olympics, but about how insurance policies are ranked. High deductible plans are usually considered the "

  • Tips For Improving Your Credit Score

    11 November 2014

    If you have wanted to take the time to work on your credit score for a while now, it may finally be the time to make that happen. All you need to do is follow through with the following two suggestions and you will be well on your way to having an increased credit score. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will have the solid credit score that will help you get the loans you deserve when you need them the most.