Ready To Turn Yourself In On An Arrest Warrant? How To Avoid Problems With Your Bail Bond

Mia Nelson

If you know there's a warrant out for your arrest, and you're preparing to turn yourself in, now's the time to start thinking about bail bonds. As soon as you're processed into the jail system, and had your bail set, you'll be able to have someone arrange a bond for you. Once the bond has been issued, you'll be allowed to leave police custody. However, if you encounter problems while you're out on bail, you risk having your bond canceled, which means you'll go back into police custody. To help you avoid that, here are some tips that you'll need to follow. 

Tell the Whole Truth

When you send someone down to apply for a bail bond for you, they'll be required to fill out some paperwork. The accuracy of this paperwork is crucial to your bond. Failure to provide honest information on your bond application could cause the bonding agent to revoke your bond. Before you send someone to apply for your bond, make sure they know to provide accurate information, including your current address and phone number. 

Avoid Court-Related Problems

While you're out on bail, you'll be spending quite a bit of time in the courtroom. In fact, you'll be required to attend each scheduled court hearing. It's important to note that the judge will be monitoring your behavior during each hearing, and so will the prosecution. Unfortunately, court-related problems could cause you to have your bail bond revoked. To avoid that risk, you must attend each scheduled hearing, arrive on time, be dressed properly, and behave respectfully. To help you avoid courtroom problems, make contact with your attorney prior to each hearing. That way, they can go over the rules with you each time. 

Don't Skim Through the Restrictions

When you receive your bail bond release, you'll be given a list of restrictions to abide by. As soon as you receive that list, read through it carefully; several times. You'll want to make sure that you understand every detail contained in the document. Failure to abide by each and every restriction that's listed could result in your return to police custody. 

Avoid Going Back to the Same Crowd

Finally, if your brush with the law was the result of hanging with the wrong crowd, avoid going back to that environment while you're out on bail. Hanging out with the same crowd that got you into trouble could result in further legal issues. Instead, avoid all contact with any situation that may result in additional legal problems for you.
